Respecting human rights and Developing Talent
Global Human Rights & Labor Policy
(Enforcement : 18.12.03)
Our company will strive hard for the growth and development of all related parties including our stock members and increase the company value by progressive and effective management activities. As a corporation, we will put our maximum effort to sincerely fulfill our duties and commitments. Our company respects all of laws and market system in the world & leads in establishment of fair transaction system. We also respect the cultural values and customs and contribute the development the country and the society by various social service activities.
- The company respects the legitimate request and advice of its shareholders and protects their rights.
- The company will be sincere in sharing its management informations, establish mutually trusting relationship between shareholders and investors and put effort for the maximization of shareholders profit.
- The company gives equal treatment to all its shareholders including the small shareholders.
- The company always have decision-making for all shareholder to prevent violation of the rights of the small shareholders.
- The company will record and maintain the accounting douments accourding to IFRS and be clear in providing financial state and business outcome information.
- The company will provide management information timely according to the related laws and regulations so that the investors and others can take reasonable investment decisions.
- The company always thinks from the point of view of customers, and by providing best products and services which satisfies the customer and increase their trust, the company strives for the fulfillment of customer satisfaction.
- The company provides detail products information and kind service to the customers and it restrains itself from exaggerated advertisements.
- The company protects the customer’s personal informations, profit and safety and restrains from unjustified activities.
- The company respects and comply with the laws and regulations related customer protection.
- Company is fair according to the free competition principle, respects the free market economy and has fair competition with competitors.
- Company is respects the fair transaction process and comply with the laws and regulations related to fair transactions.
- Company has constructed a mutually-trustable and cooperative relationship with its supplier through fair transactions and it pursues the joint development along with the partners.
- Company does not use its superior position to do any injustice conduct or influence.
- The company does not treat its employees with injustice or discrimination and gives them opportunities according to their ability and talent.
- The company gives fair evaluation and compensation to the employees by set up evaluation standard with respect to employee’s talent, ability, work achievement etc.
- The company try to provide healthy and safe work environment to its employees.
- The company respects the employee’s individual freedom and creativity and provides fair opportunities for development of their skills.
- The company respects the independent character and basic rights of its employees and build up an environment for employees to speak up liberal suggestions and proposals to company.
- The company not only follows all of laws and regulations as a member of the country and local society, but also it complies with the international laws and regulation.
- The company contributes to the development of society and country’s economy by increasing productivity, hiring people, sincere payment of tax, social contributions etc.
- The company does its best for the protection of nature and preservation of clean environment.
- The employees share the company’s management ideology and by having consensus towards the aim and value of the company, they sincerely carry out the duties given to them according to the company’s work plan.
- The employees create a organizational culture by having harmonious communication with other top-bottom employees and colleges, and having mutual trust.
- The employee performs the duty given to them by appropriate method and uttermost effort and comply with all the laws and company’s regulations related to the work.
- The employee puts effort to ensure that non-occurrence of any activities related to the conflict Economical benefit in the company. In case of conflict of Economical benefit between company and the individual or his position, the profit of the company will prevail.
- The employees don’t do stock trade by using internal informations acquired during work.
- The employee should not provide the confidential informations, without following appropriate procedures, to the 3rd party which could influence stock prices.
- The employee protects the physical assets, intellectual property and confidencial information etc of a company and does not use it for private purpose.
- Employee does not use his/her position to pursue private gains, and does not do unfair transaction activities by using confidential informations obtained from the company.
- Employee do not leak important informations to the outside of the company which could have an influence on the profit of the company.
- The employee abstains from any kind of sexual humiliation including physical, verbal, visual words or activities and those which harms the healthy relationship between co-workers.
- The employee does not get involved in political activities during work hour inside the company and does not use the organization, manpower and assets of the company for any political purpose.
- The political right and political opinion of each and every employee should be carried out in personally. It should not be seen as a company’s point.
- Employee does not receive money or gift and special treatment from the clients who have a profit-loss relationship with the company.
- Employee does not give any cash or any exceptional gift and treatment to the client which has business relationship with the company.
- Employee does not give or receive cash or excessive gifts and treatments each other.
- All Employees should comply with ethical principles and in case of its violation they should take responsibility for their act.
- Employee who recognizes an activity or injustice behavior which against ethical principles, they should report it to the code of ethics department.
- The employee, in case of violation of ethical principles, should prevent from re-violation through examination of the cause and education.